21/5 - 27/5

Måndag 21/5
A. Teknik (Kipped) HSPU

B. EMOM 28 min (Rest after 45s, even if not done)
1. 12 cal Row
2. Paralette L-Sit - Accumulate 20s
3. 12 GHD-Situps (No more than horizontal if you have not tried before)
4. 12 Burpee Boxjumpovers
5. 12 T2B
6. 12 HSPU
7. 12 Ringdips

Lunchpasset gör B - 21min

Tisdag 21/5
A. In 15 min find:
1 RM Snatch Balance
5 RM Snatchgrip Barbell Row

B. The Chief - 5*3 min AMRAP (Rest 1 min)
3 Power Cleans 61/43
6 Pushups
9 Airsquats

Onsdag 23/5
A. Backsquat 8-8-8-6-4 - Raise weight

B. Barbell Walk – 5 Rounds - Add on 5-10kg from your BS, walk with the barbell on your shoulders to the other side, turn around, and walk back to the rack.

C. 5 RFT
5 Kaj Ascents - Start on the ground, finish straight on the Lastkaj
10 Pullups
10+10m Farmers Walk 32/24
200m Run

Lunchpasset gör A+B

Torsdag 24/5
A. Teknik Double-Unders

B. 3-5 RFQ
1+1 Turkish Get-Up
9 K2E
9+9m Suitcase Walk
9 Deficit Pushups

C. ANNIE – For Time

Fredag 25/5 – Hero Wod Friyay!

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