Wod 23/12

For time
12 Days of Christmas
1 Rope Climb
2 Muscle ups Scale to box dips
3 Power Snatches 52/38kg Scale: 40/30-30/20-20/15kg
4 Clean and Jerks 52/38kg Scale: 40/30-30/20-20/15kg
5 Handstand Push ups Scale to Hand release push ups
6 Chest-To-Bar Pull ups Scale to pull ups- jumping pull up
7 Toes-To-Bar Scale to hanging knee raises- ab-mat sit ups
8 Slam ball over shoulder 20/35kg Scale to 20/16-16/12
9 Burpee box overs
10 Dumbbell snatch, alternating 24/16kg BG: 16/12kg Elite 32/24kg
11 Kettlebell Swings, russian 24/16kg
12 Calories on Rower

Just as the 12 Days of Christmas song is sang, repeat previous movements in a descending pattern.
1 rope climb then,
2 muscle ups + 1 rope climb, then,
3 power snatches + 2 muscle ups + 1 rope climb.
Continue the pattern until you descend from 12 Calories on the Rower to 1 Rope climb.


