Snatch Balance
Use the heaviest weight you can for each set
If you don’t have this movement yet, practice overhead squat
After snatch balance or during breaks, practice toes to bar
For time
Buy in: 30 overheadsquat 35/25kg
5 rounds of
10 Toes to bar (t2b)
10 Power snatch 35/25kg
10 Wallballs 9/6kg
L1: Every 10 reps unbroken
L2: RX
L3: 5 t2b
L4: Hanging knee raises, 20/10kg, 6/4kg wallball
Scale buy in to frontsquat if needed
CF Basic
Strict press. Movement
Push press. Movement and speed
Push jerk. Movement, speed and coordination
Begin with the stick and go through the 3 movements
Then procced with barbell and go through the 3 movements
From rack:
Complex with barbell
3 strict press
2 push press
1 push jerk
Its okey to increase a tiny bit if form is good.
Main focus in core stability.
Breath in and tighten the core before pressing.
Elbows pointing down on the floor about 1m in front of you.
Lift straight up, the barbell should be over your head and shoulders.
Imagine that you are lifting heavier than you are and you should be fine.
In teams of 2, share anyhow if nothing else is stated
As long as you can in 10 min
40 Push press, 20/15kg (from floor)
40 Wallballs over pull upbar 6/4kg (throw the ball over to your buddie)
40 Situps with hand clap, feet locked to your buddie
40 Push press, 20/15kg (from floor)
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