Accumulate 1:30 min deadhang during the warm up/skill
5-10min do
10 scapula push ups
10 banded pull apart
5 Wall squats
30 sec lats stretch against wall
5 Muscle snatch
5 Snatch high pulls
5 Power snatch
5 Overhead squat
Build up to a 3RM squat snatch or power snatch
Beginners work timing and skill with low weights (10-30kg in sets of 10 during the 16 minutes
AMRAP 10 min
8 Box jump overs
8 Pull ups BG: jumping pull ups
4 Handstand push ups BG: Push ups
4 Power snatch 40/30kg BG: 20/15kg
2019 (1)
- ► januari (1)
- ► 2018 (59)
- ► 2017 (289)
- ► 2016 (117)