In 12 minutes complete
Rowing for calories
You and your partner trade on/off
Accumulate as many calories as possible of rowing
5 min rest
Complete (TC 45 min)
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100 Front Squats 43/35kg
600m Run together
80 Toe to bar
600m Run together
60 Shoulder to overhead 43/35kg
600m Run together
80 Wallballs 9/6 high target
600m Run together
100 Deadlift 65/45kg
L1: 50/38kg, 10 unbroken t2b, if not, they don’t count, 16/12kg slamballs instead of wallballs to normal target, 80/55kg deadlift
L2: RX
L3: 35/20kg, Hanging knee raises, 6/4kg wallballs to high target
L4: Goblet Squats, ab-mat sit ups, 20/15kg shoulder to overhead, 6/4kg WB normal target, 50/35kg deadlift
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