Wod 15/12

3 rounds for quality, 5-8 min
10 burpees
10 banded pull apart
5 power snatch with barbell
5 Thruster
10 push ups
Then prepare for metcons
Today we testing two wods from last weekend’s competition in Växjö
In teams of 2. Total time 32-37min
For Time. Time cap 10 min
Share anyhow but both must do at least 1 rep of each movement
One partner working at a time.
40 Snatch 50/35kg Scaled: 30/20kg Masters: (+35) 40/25kg
50 Thrusters 50/35kg Scaled: 30/20kg Masters: (+35) 40/25kg
60 Chest to Bar Pushups, (Push ups on the barbell, hit between solarplexus and collarbone)
150 Double Unders Scaled and Master have the option to do 300 single unders
Rest 10-15 min then

8 Rounds For Time of: Time cap 12 minutes
5 Chest 2 Bar Pullups (Masters and Scaled: Pullups)
10 Burpees to 25kg Bumper Plate
15 Goblet Squats 24/16kg Masters and Scaled 16/12kg
First team member does all their 4 rounds first then tags second team member who does their 4 rounds last.
Time Cap 12 minutes. If 8 rounds are not completed before the time cap 1 second will be added to 12 minutes for every rep not completed as the team's time.

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