Take 10 min to prepare yourself.
On the minute, 36 min
Min 1: 1 round cindy
Min 2: 5 Power Snatch 40/30kg
Min 3: 4 Squat clean 40/30kg
Min 4: 1 Rope climb
Min 5: 8 Handstand push ups + 8 kettlebell swing 20/12kg (lagom)
Min 6: Rest
Aim is to maintain the same movement and weight throughout the 36 minutes
L1: 50/35kg, 2 rope climbs
L2: RX
L3: 30/20kg, 3-6-9 cindy, half way up the rope, HSPU from box
L4: 20/15kg, 3-6-9 cindy with ring row, lay to stand rope climb, HR push ups 16/8kg kb
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