Wod 25/10

Accumulate 1 min deadhang during the warm up 5-10 min
5 Wall squat
10 Goblet squat
10 air squats
10 Scapula pull ups
10 Banded pull apart
Go through the metcon and practice parts needed
8min working in pairs YGIG
3 Thrusters 30/20kg BG: 20/15kg
12 Air squats
Rest 3mins
8min working in pairs YGIG
3 Power cleans 40/30kg BG: 20/15kg
12 burpees
Rest 3mins
8mins working in pairs YGIG
3 Deadlifts 50/35kg BG: 35/25kg
12 Russian KB swings 24/16kg BG: 16/8kg


