Warm up and set up for the metcon
Go through the movements and the different alternatives.
Work up some weight on squat clean, power clean for beginners.
Hero wod “J.J.” TC 35min
1 Squat Clean 84/57kg
10 Parallette handstand push ups (HSPU)
2 Squat Clean 84/57kg
9 Parallette handstand push ups (HSPU)
3 Squat Clean 84/57kg
8 Parallette handstand push ups (HSPU)
4 Squat Clean 84/57kg
7 Parallette handstand push ups (HSPU)
5 Squat Clean 84/57kg
6Parallette handstand push ups (HSPU)
6 Squat Clean 84/57kg
5 Parallette handstand push ups (HSPU)
7 Squat Clean 84/57kg
4 Parallette handstand push ups (HSPU)
8 Squat Clean 84/57kg
3 Parallette handstand push ups (HSPU)
9 Squat Clean 84/57kg
2 Parallette handstand push ups (HSPU)
10 Squat Clean 84/57kg
1 Parallette handstand push ups (HSPU)
L1: RX
L2: In teams of 2, you go I go on cleans share hspu anyhow, 70/50kg clean, 10 cm Deficit HSPU
L3: In teams of 2 share anyhow, 60/43kg clean, regular HSPU
L4: In teams of 2 share anyhow, 43/30kg power clean, scale HSPU to push ups
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