Every 3 minute for 12 min do
10 Frontsquat 40/30kg, increase 1-5kg every round
1-3m handstand walk to wall
20 Hollow rocks
For Time TC 16 min, in teams of 2
50 Dumbbell weighted Lunges 20/12kg (open style)
75 Wallballs 9/6kg
10 Rope climbs
75 Wallballs 9/6kg
50 Dumbbell weighted Lunges 20/12kg
1 Person works
1 Person hangs from the rig
If the person hanging from the rig drops at any point, work must stop
L1: Single arm overhead DB Lunge 24/16kg, 12/9kg wallballs
L2: RX
L3: 14/10kg dumbbells, 6/4kg wallballs, 3 pull ups is 1 ropeclimb
L4: 12/8 dumbbell by the side lunge, 6/4kg wallballs, 3 ring rows is 1 ropeclimb
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