2009 CrossFit games final event
For time:
15 Cleans 70/45kg Scale to 60/40-50/35-40/30-30/20-20/15
30 Toes to Bar BG: 50 Hangin knee raises
30 Box Jumps
15/10 Muscle-ups Scale to 20 Chest to bars, 30 Pull ups, 30 banded pull up, 30 jumping pull up
30 Dumbbell Push Press 18/12kg, use DB or KB or barbell
30 Double-unders scale to 90 single unders
15 Thrusters 61/43kg Scale to 50/35-40/30-30/20-20/15
30 Pull-ups, scale to 30 banded pull up, 30 jumping pull up
30 Burpees
90m Overhead Walking Lunges 20/15kg plate
Times to beat:
Mikko Salo 19:46 Event winner and 2009 games champ
Jason Khalipa 21:35 2008 games champ,
DJ Wickham 27:37 Last man to finish the event
Charity Vale 18:24 Event winner
Tanya Wagner 29:39 2009 games champ
Annie Thorisdottir didn’t finish, ended with 3 muscle ups, her first muscle ups ever.
Sarah Dunsmore 33:58 Last female to finish the event
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