Wod 19/11

2 Rounds Partner Wheel Barrow Walk 20 KB Swing Russian 20 Partner Med Ball Chest Pass
Then Work up in weight for the kb swing as needed. Set-up rowers and organize logistics"
Metcon TC:25min With a partner complete 150 Russian KB Swings 20/12kg Elite: 28/20kg (25/20/15/10/5 reps each) 150/120 Calories on the Assault Bike or Rower (one person works at a time) 150 Burpees (25/20/15/10/5 reps each)
**For the Swings and Burpees:
One person does 25 reps, then the next person does 25 reps. The first person then does 20 reps and then the next person does 20 reps. Continue until each person does 5 reps.


