Work up to a heavy rep for the day
Every 2 min for 20 min (10 rounds)
5 Thrusters 35/25kg
1 Bar muscle up
5 Power Snatch 35/25kg
Increase Bar muscle up with 1 rep on minute 6-12-18
L1: 45/32,5kg, start with 2 Bar muscle ups instead of 1.
L2: RX
L3: 30/20kg, Chest to bar
L4: 20/15kg, Ring row and start with 4.
CF Basic
Power Clean
To think about:
Start from hang above knees and find the timing in the movement, from hang to rack.
From hang, stand tall and move shoulders up, elbows up and out before getting under the barbell.
When catching the bar in rack, have both feet’s planted to the ground, no tiptoeing.
Elbows high and a straight strong back.
Maintain a close to the body relationship with the barbell.
After 5-10 min, start with the barbell under the knees.
If the movement feel good, go ahead and add some weight.
Work in pair of 2-3
Amrap 10 min
20 Power clean 20/15kg
10 AB-mat situps
10 Wallballs 6/4kg
Team option:
Team of 2
One work, one rest
Team of 3
Relay. First person start to work on power cleans, when he/she is done and move over to sit ups person number 2 start working on power cleans. (följa john) You may not pass the person ahead of you, wait until they are done before starting on that same movement.
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