Måndag 30/4
A. 18.0 - For Time
DB-Snatches 22,5/15
Burpee over DB
B. Seal Row 5 Set x 8 Reps (Raise Weight)
C. 2-4 Rounds for Quality (Depending on time left)
30s Ringplank
2 Rope Climbs
30s Handstand Hold
10+10 Bird Dog
20m Suitcase Walk w. Plates
(Lunchpasset kör A+C)
Tisdag 1/5
A. Cleans - OTM 12min
Min 0-5
1 Power Clean + 1 Squat Clean
Min 6-11
1 Squat Clean
B. OT2M 12 min
0 - 10 C&J 40/30
2 - 8 C&J 50/35
4 - 6 C&J 60/40
6 - 4 C&J 70/47,5
8 - 2 C&J 80/55
10 - 2 C&J - Dagens RM
C. For Time
50 Floor Vipers (60/40)
Onsdag 2/5
A. Teknik Handstand / Handstand Walk 10-15 min
B. Hitta dagens 10 RM Deadlift
C. Team of 2 - AMRAP 14 min - Share Anyhow!
50 Airsquats
30 Deadlift 80/55 - Close to 10 RM!
350m Teamrun (w. strap)
Torsdag 3/5
A. Superset: 10-10-10-8-6-4-4
Closegrip Benchpress (Raise weight between sets)
Strict Pullups (Weighted, if 10 is too easy)
B. AMRAP 12 min
Goblet Squats
Deficit Pushups
Burpee to Plate
Fredag 4/5
Hero Wod Friday!!
Lördag 5/5
Löpskola med Wille!
A. 18.0 - For Time
DB-Snatches 22,5/15
Burpee over DB
B. Seal Row 5 Set x 8 Reps (Raise Weight)
C. 2-4 Rounds for Quality (Depending on time left)
30s Ringplank
2 Rope Climbs
30s Handstand Hold
10+10 Bird Dog
20m Suitcase Walk w. Plates
(Lunchpasset kör A+C)
Tisdag 1/5
A. Cleans - OTM 12min
Min 0-5
1 Power Clean + 1 Squat Clean
Min 6-11
1 Squat Clean
B. OT2M 12 min
0 - 10 C&J 40/30
2 - 8 C&J 50/35
4 - 6 C&J 60/40
6 - 4 C&J 70/47,5
8 - 2 C&J 80/55
10 - 2 C&J - Dagens RM
C. For Time
50 Floor Vipers (60/40)
Onsdag 2/5
A. Teknik Handstand / Handstand Walk 10-15 min
B. Hitta dagens 10 RM Deadlift
C. Team of 2 - AMRAP 14 min - Share Anyhow!
50 Airsquats
30 Deadlift 80/55 - Close to 10 RM!
350m Teamrun (w. strap)
Torsdag 3/5
A. Superset: 10-10-10-8-6-4-4
Closegrip Benchpress (Raise weight between sets)
Strict Pullups (Weighted, if 10 is too easy)
B. AMRAP 12 min
Goblet Squats
Deficit Pushups
Burpee to Plate
Fredag 4/5
Hero Wod Friday!!
Lördag 5/5
Löpskola med Wille!
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