wod 15/11

1) 5 Minutes of Running, Biking, or Rowing
2) 2 Rounds
Barbell Complex Warm-up
6 Hang power clean
6 Front squat
6 Strict press
6 Back Rack Lunges
Toes to Bar Progression practice for 10 min

2 rounds TC 20min
40 Toes to Bar Scale to 20-30 lying toe to kettle bell
40 DB Thrusters 16/12kg per hand. Scale to 30 reps and a weight you can do 10 unbroken with
40 DB Walking Lunges 16/12kg per hand. Scale to 30 reps and a weight you can do 20 unbroken with
40 Jumping Air Squats. Scale to Air squat

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