Barbell complex
Every 3 minute for 15 minutes, increasing weight 5/2,5kg every 3min.
Then every 4 minutes for 12 minutes increasing weight 2,5/1kg
5 Deadlift
5 Hang power clean
5 Front squat
5 Shoulder to overhead
Start at 30-40% of your max shoulder to overhead
30 clean and jerk 61/43kg
L1: -
L2: RX
L3: 45/32,5kg
L4: 35/25kg
CF Basic
Power snatch
Hold the stick or barbell with straight arms so wide in grip that the stick rests right in your hip crease when standing tall.
Start with stick, standing tall. Move down to the top of the knee and start from there.
Practice movement
Arms straight, open up the hip, shoulders up, bend arms, elbows up and outwards
Then pull yourself under the bar and catch it with straight arms. In the catch the heels will be on the ground and the butt slightly backwards. Then stand tall.
Continue like this until the movement sets, then start from under the knee.
Doing 5-10 reps each set for as many sets the coach tell you to do.
Then switch to barbell and start over again. No extra weight.
Amrap 10 min
In teams of 2 or 3
10 Power snatch each 20/15kg
10 Lateral burpee over bar each
20 synced airsquats
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