3 rounds for quality
5 Muscle Snatch
5 Power Snatch
5 Hang power snatch
7 Burpees
30 sec lats stretch against wall
10 scapula push ups
Hang power snatch
3-3-3-3-3 with increasing weight
Work up to a heavy triple for the day
Practice kipping during rest
5 Rounds for time, TC 15min
10 Hang Snatches 52/38kg BG: 20/15kg
12 Toes to Bar BG: Ab-mat sit ups
50 Double unders BG: 50 Single unders
2019 (1)
- ► januari (1)
- ► 2018 (59)
- ► 2017 (289)
- ► 2016 (117)