In teams of 2
7 rounds per athlete TC 18 min
5 Hang Snatches 40/30kg
5 Burpee over bar
L1: 50/35kg
L2: RX
L3: 30/20kg
3min rest
5min AMRAP
MAX Rep Front Squats 40/30kg
1 Person front Squats
1 Person Holds Front Rack Position
Trade reps however
Each time you drop, you owe 18 Slamball over shoulder in the end off the next workouts first round
L1: 50/35kg
L2: RX
L3: 30/20kg
4min Rest
18min AMRAP 1 work, 1 rest, run together
80 Double unders
200m run
40 Kettle bell swing 24/16kg (Russian)
200m Run
40 Boxjumps
200m run
40 Wallballs 9/6kg
200m run
40 Handstand push ups
Amount of slamballs you owe 16/12kg (only first round)
L1: 28/20kg KB
L2: RX
L3: 160 single unders, 16/12kg kb, low boxes, 6/4kg wb, hand release push-ups
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