Onsdag 21/3
A. 5 Set
1 Snatch Pull
1 Hang Power Snatch
Medeltungt, fokus på full extension och explosivitet i rörelsen
B. 4 Set
1 Power Snatch
1 Power eller Squat Snatch
C. "Mr Morningstar" - 20 min AMRAP
6 Man Makers
6 Pullups/ Ringrows
6 Alt KB Clean & Jerk
Torsdag 22/3
A. Bulgarian Splitsquats @20x1
4 Set x 6-8 Reps/ben (tyngre än förra veckan)
B. EMOM 15 min
1. 5 Power Cleans
2. 8-10 No Jump Burpees
3. 10-15 Situps
C. AMRAP 10 min
10 KB-Swings
10 Goblet Squats
20m 1H OH Carry w. KB
Fredag 23/3
A1. Deadlift @ 20x1 5 Set x 5 Reps
A2. Z-press w. DB @20x1 5 Set x 8-10 Reps
B1. 1H Ringrow 3 Set x 8-10 Reps/arm
B2. Closegrip Benchpress @20x1 3 Set x 8-10 Reps
C. In Teams of 3 - EMOM 21 min
1. 10 KB-Swings then AMRAP Burpees
2. Frontrack Hold w. 2xKB
3. Rest
Score is total amount of Burpees done by team.
Lördag 24/3
Söndag 25/3
Måndag 26/3
Ta igen styrkedel från
Onsdag 21/3
Torsdag 22/3
Fredag 23/3
TEAM METCON - In Teams of 3
Death by Calories - EMOM until Death (or discomfort)
1. 4 Cal Row
2. 4 Wallballs
3. 4 Burpees
4. Rest
Cals/Reps rise by 1 for each round done.
After 3 fails in the team, the workout is done
(Fail=When someone is not done with their Cals/Reps)
A. 5 Set
1 Snatch Pull
1 Hang Power Snatch
Medeltungt, fokus på full extension och explosivitet i rörelsen
B. 4 Set
1 Power Snatch
1 Power eller Squat Snatch
C. "Mr Morningstar" - 20 min AMRAP
6 Man Makers
6 Pullups/ Ringrows
6 Alt KB Clean & Jerk
Torsdag 22/3
A. Bulgarian Splitsquats @20x1
4 Set x 6-8 Reps/ben (tyngre än förra veckan)
B. EMOM 15 min
1. 5 Power Cleans
2. 8-10 No Jump Burpees
3. 10-15 Situps
C. AMRAP 10 min
10 KB-Swings
10 Goblet Squats
20m 1H OH Carry w. KB
Fredag 23/3
A1. Deadlift @ 20x1 5 Set x 5 Reps
A2. Z-press w. DB @20x1 5 Set x 8-10 Reps
B1. 1H Ringrow 3 Set x 8-10 Reps/arm
B2. Closegrip Benchpress @20x1 3 Set x 8-10 Reps
C. In Teams of 3 - EMOM 21 min
1. 10 KB-Swings then AMRAP Burpees
2. Frontrack Hold w. 2xKB
3. Rest
Score is total amount of Burpees done by team.
Lördag 24/3
Söndag 25/3
Måndag 26/3
Ta igen styrkedel från
Onsdag 21/3
Torsdag 22/3
Fredag 23/3
TEAM METCON - In Teams of 3
Death by Calories - EMOM until Death (or discomfort)
1. 4 Cal Row
2. 4 Wallballs
3. 4 Burpees
4. Rest
Cals/Reps rise by 1 for each round done.
After 3 fails in the team, the workout is done
(Fail=When someone is not done with their Cals/Reps)
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