Skill and strength
Every 2 Minutes for 7 Rounds
1 Snatch Deadlift
1 Hang Power Snatch
2 Overhead Squats
1 Squat Snatch
10 Double unders
If mobility is an issue with the Overhead squats, go as low as possible. Try to aim for a target (put a weight plate down and a med ball on top) increase weight each round if form allows.
For time TC 12 min
100 Double unders
30 Handstand push ups
100 Double unders
30 Toe to bar
Level 1: 150 DU, 10cm Deficit HSPU
Level 2: Rx
Level 3: 50 DU, 30 handrelease push ups, 30 Hanging knee raises
Level 4: 100 single unders, 2 min plank hold, 30 ab mat sit ups
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