Wod 19/10

Double unders
Max double unders in 3 min
Rest 3min
Max double unders in 2 min
Rest 2 min
Max double unders in 1 min
Continue with thruster warm up, work up to a heavy for the day before metcon.
Complete as many rounds and reps in 2-4-6-8-10min
Begin with 2:00 time cap. If Round one is completed under 2:00 extend to the next time cap 4:00
Weight increases each new round but thruster reps decrease by 1
30 Double unders
15 Sit-ups
7 Thrusters 30/20kg
L1: Add 10 kg every new round
L2: Add 5kg every new round
L3: Add 2kg every other round, 30 single unders
L4: Add 1kg every other round, 20 jumping jacks
CF Basic
Ring row / Pull ups
Start with ring row. Hold a straight line with your body, pull yourself into the rings, let your shoulder blades meet.
Try strict, banded and jumping pull ups on bars.
Play with this movements for 10-15 min
Kettle bell swing
Lagom: Goblet over shoulders
Russian: Goblet over head
Practice the movements with different weights for 5-10 min
The power is in your hip
In teams of 2
Amrap 10 min
20 Wallballs 6/4kg
20 Kettlebell swing, lagom, 16/12kg
10 Ring row
Share the reps anyhow
Rest 2 min
6 min max calorie row
Share anyway you like

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