E2MOM 12min
2 Power snatch
2 Snatch balance BG: Behind head push jerk, snatch grip.
2 Overhead squat
Increase weight each round if form allows
Rounds 1-2: Do two sets
Rounds 3-6: Do one set
AMRAP 12 min
50 Wallballs 9/6kg BG:6/4kg
10 Double unders BG: 30 single
40 Wallballs 9/6kg BG:6/4kg
20 Double unders BG: 60 single
30 Wallballs 9/6kg BG:6/4kg
30 Double unders BG: 90 single
20 Wallballs 9/6kg BG:6/4kg
40 Double unders BG: 120 single
10 Wallballs 9/6kg BG:6/4kg
50 Double unders BG: 150 single
in the remaining time do
AMRAP Ring muscle up Scale to chest to bar-pull up-banded pull up-jumping pull up BG: Burpees
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