In teams of 3
12 Rounds total
4 Rounds per athlete
Congo line style: 1 person must finish movement before the next person goes
18/14 cals on rower
15 Hang power cleans 40/30kg
10 Hand stand push ups
L1: 20/16 cals on assault bike, 50/35kg, deficit hspu (20kg plates)
L2: RX
L3: 16/10 cals, 30/20kg, Hand release push-ups
L4: 14/8 cals, Dumbbell cleans, Push-ups on knee
5 min rest and reset for
16 min AMRAP
100 Cal row
100 Box jump overs
100 Front squats 43/30kg
100 Sit-ups
100 Kettlebell swings (American) 24/16kg
Athlete 1: AMRAP
Athlete 2: 50 double unders
Athlete 3: Rest
Pick a rotation and stick to it
L1: 50/35kg 28/20kg kb
L2: RX
L3: Low boxes, 30/20kg, lagom swing 20/12kg kb, 100 single unders
L4: Low boxes, goblet squats 16/8kg, lagom swing 16/8kg, 50 single unders
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2019 (1)
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