wod 14/11

1) Tabata Jump Rope Drills
1- Singles
2- High knee
3- Alternating legs
4- Singles
5- High knee
6- Butt Kickers
7- Double Under
8- Double Under or Triple Under
*Go through the series 1 time. Spending 20 seconds at each movement and resting 10 seconds between movements
2) 2 Rounds
15 Band Pull Aparts
10 Pass Through with band
10 Second Hollow Hang
10 Second Superman on Bar
Then practice for 15-20 min
Hang Power Clean Progression
Pull-up Progression
Build up in load for the Hang Power Clean doing 5 sets of 3 reps increasing in load and set-up pull-up area for scaling as needed.
100 Double Unders Scale to 2 min practice
immediately into:
Hang Power Clean 45/35 Scale to 30/20kg
Chest to Bar Pull-ups Scale to jumping chest to bar
upon completion of the final pull-up
100 Double Unders Scale to 2 min practice

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