For 5 min do
6 Wall squat
6 Goblet squat
6 Air squats
6 Hanging shrugs
6 Ring rows
20min E2MOM (5sets each) of:
5-7 Back squats, Start at 60-70%RM and increase each round if form allows.
Final set 90sec max reps at 70% of heaviset weight
3-5 Strict pull ups, weighted is ok
Tempo on both are 3010
Backsquat: 3sec down, no pause, 1 sec up, no pause, 3 sec down and so on
Pull up: 3 sec up, no pause, 1 sec down, no pause and so on
AMRAP 8 min
40 DU or 100 singles
20 Push ups
40 Air squats
20 V ups
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