Warm up then work on the heavy barbell movemnt s for 20 minutes.
Herowod "Lee"
5 rounds for time
400m run
1 Deadlift 157/111kg
3 Squat clean 84/57kg
5 Push Jerks 84/57kg
3 Muscle ups
1 Rope climb
L1: RX
L2: DL 130/90kg, SC and PJ 70/50kg, MU scale to 6 +6 chest to bar + dips
L3: DL 100/70kg, SC and PJ 50/35kg, MU scale to 9+6 pull ups and dips, Rope climb half way.
L4: DL: 70/45kg, scale squat clean to power clean 35/25kg and shoulder to overhead 35/25kg , NU scale to 12+6 banded pull up + push ups. Rope climb from floor to stand.
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