1 rep max clean in 20 min
In teams of 2, combine weight is your score
Then when clock hit 20 min do
In teams of 2, share anyhow
2017 Regional Event 4, modified
For time:
18m handstand walk
20 toes-to-bars
20 Deadlifts 110/75kg
18 handstand walk
24 toes-to-bars
24 Deadlifts 110/75kg
18m handstand walk
28 toes-to-bars
28 Deadlifts 110/75kg
18m handstand walk
32 toes-to-bars
32 Deadlifts 110/75kg
Scale handstand walk to handstand push ups, 27 reps, then hand release push ups, 36 reps
Scale t2b to hanging knee raises, then to ab-mat sit ups
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