Wod 8/5 

Warm up and set up for the metcon
Go through the movements and the different alternatives.
Hero wod “Hildy” TC 35-40 min
100 cal row
75 Thrusters 20/15kg
50 Pull ups
75 Wallball 9/6kg
100 cal row
If you have a vest or body armor wear it. 10/7kg
L1: RX
L2: Team of 2 share anyhow, both doing 75 thrusters and 75 wallballs at the same time, not syncro
L3: Team of 2 share anyhow, 80 cals row, 15/10kg barbell, banded pull up
L4: Team of 2 share anyhow, 60 cals row, dumbbell thrusters of choice, 6/4kg WB, Jumping pull up

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