Wod 2/2 

Warm up
20 Jumping jack
20-30 sec wrist mobility
10 banded pull apart
20 Air squats
10 inch worm
Double Unders 10 min
Try to do as many unbroken as possible
Pull up practice, kipping 10 min
4 Rounds
30 Double Unders
15 Thrusters
Max Pull-ups in 30 seconds
Rest :30
Level 1: 50 Double Unders, 52/38kg, Chest to Bar pull-ups
Level 2: 30 Double Unders, 40/28kg, pull-ups
Level 3: 50 Single Unders, 30/20kg, Bar rows (in the rigg)
Level 4: 50 Single Unders, 15 Wall Balls 6/4kg, Bar rows (in the rigg)

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